Dr Colin Foster MA(Cantab) PhD PGCE CMathTeach SFHEA
I am a Reader in Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics Education at Loughborough University, UK. I am Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology and a member of the Editorial Boards of Journal for Research in Mathematics Education and Research in Mathematics Education. I am a Director of Shell Publications Ltd and I was President of the Mathematical Association 2022-23.
Previously, I was an Associate Professor and Director of Research in the School of Education at the University of Leicester, and before that I was a Senior Research Fellow and then Assistant Professor in the Centre for Research in Mathematics Education at the University of Nottingham. Before being an academic, I taught mathematics in secondary schools for 12 years. My first degree and PhD are from Magdalene College, Cambridge, and I obtained my PGCE from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education.
I have been designing mathematical tasks and writing books and articles for mathematics teachers for over 15 years. During 2005-2008, I co-edited the journal Mathematics Teaching, published by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
Alongside my research, I direct the Loughborough University Mathematics Education Network, sometimes lecture mathematics to undergraduates and teach pre-service teachers on the PGCE secondary mathematics course at Loughborough University, supervise masters and PhD students and lead professional development for mathematics teachers. I write regularly for the magazine Teach Secondary and for mathematics teacher professional journals, including Mathematics in School, published by the Mathematical Association, and Mathematics Teaching, published by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics. I was a member of the Department for Education Expert Group for the mathematics national curriculum and I am an examiner for Cambridge Assessment.
I am a Chartered Mathematics Teacher, a Fellow of the International Society for Design and Development in Education, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the British Educational Research Association, the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Association of Mathematics Education Teachers.
Before mathematics education, I worked in chemistry. Click here for my thesis and a related paper.
If you are interested in studying for a PhD in an area relating to my research interests, then please email me with your ideas.
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM)
British Educational Research Association (BERA)
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (IGPME)
Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM)
Fellow of the International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE)
Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
© Colin Foster